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Personalized Recovery Oriented Services


Clarity PROS

4222 Bolivar Road

Wellsville, NY 14895


Phone: (585) 593-1655

Fax: (585) 593-1868


Program Director: Trisha Tuttle


Hours: Monday thru Friday - 8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Transportation: Local transportation is available if needed.  Our staff will assist you with coordinating your transportation needs.

Support Services

PROS is a comprehensive model that integrates rehabilitation, treatment, and support services for people with serious mental illness.


Individuals work toward goals in different areas that may include:

Living independently

Building natural supports

Finding and keeping a job

Reaching higher levels of education

Securing preferred housing


There are four Components in the PROS program:

Community Rehabilitation and Support (CRS)

Intensive Rehabilitation (IR)

Ongoing Rehabilitation and Support (ORS)

Clinic Treatment


The CRS component includes services designed to engage and assist individuals in managing their symptoms and restoring skills and supports necessary for living successfully in the community.


Services within the CRS component include:

Wellness Self-Management

Basic Living Skills Training

Community Living Exploration

Benefits & Financial Management

Structured Skill Development


The IR component is intended to assist individuals in attaining specific life roles, reduce risk of hospitalization or relapse, loss of housing or involvement with the criminal justice system, and help individuals manage their symptoms.


Examples of IR services include:

Intensive Relapse Prevention

Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IR-IDDT)

Family Psychoeducation

Goal Acquisition


The ORS component provides support to assist individuals in managing their symptoms in the competitive workplace.


Clinic Treatment services are provided to help stabilize, improve, and control mental health symptoms. PROS participants have the choice to receive their Clinic Treatment through PROS.

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